ICTD/UNU-WIDER Government Revenue Dataset

Data source: International Centre for Tax and Development and UNU-WIDER

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The GRD aims to present a complete picture of government revenue and tax trends over time and allows for analysis at the country, regional or cross-country level. Where possible, figures are expressed both inclusive and exclusive of natural resource revenues, which helps to overcome a major obstacle to cross-country comparisons in existing data sources.

Last updated by source: 2023-09-01

Dataset type: Time-Series
Dataset level: Country


When using this dataset, please cite as:
• ICTD/UNU-WIDER. (2022). Government revenue dataset. https://www.wider.unu.edu/project/government-revenue-dataset

Variables in this dataset:

QoG Code: ictd_grants

Total grants received by the government.

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   Consolidated Non-Tax Revenue
QoG Code: ictd_nontax

Total non-tax revenue, comprising data categorized as either ``non-tax revenue'' or ``other revenue'' depending on the underlying source. Includes revenue from both resource and non-resource sources.

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   Revenue (excluding social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_revexsc

Total government revenue, excluding social contributions. Social contributions are contributions toward a specific area of public spending. Some countries do not report on this type of contributions.

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   Revenue (including social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_revinsc

Total government revenue including taxes, non-tax revenue, grants and social contributions. Social contributions are contributions toward a specific area of public spending. Some countries do not report on this type of contributions.

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   Total Resource Revenue
QoG Code: ictd_revres

Total natural resource revenues, including natural resource revenues reported as ``tax revenue'' or ``non-tax revenue''. Natural resources are here defined as natural resources that include a significant component of economic rent, primarily from oil and mining activities.

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   Social Contributions
QoG Code: ictd_soccon

Total social contributions.

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   Taxes on Corporations and Other Enterprises
QoG Code: ictd_taxcorp

Total income and profit taxes on corporations, including taxes on resource firms.

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   Taxes (excluding social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_taxexsc

Total tax revenue, excluding social contributions.

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   Taxes on Goods and Services
QoG Code: ictd_taxgs

Total taxes on goods and services, which includes (but it is not necessarily always equal to) sales taxes and excise taxes.

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   Taxes on Income, Profits, and Capital Gains
QoG Code: ictd_taxinc

Total taxes on income, profits and capital gains, including taxes on natural resource firms. This figure is always exclusive of social contributions. The total value of Taxes on Income, Profits and Capital Gains may sometimes exceed the sum of Individuals and Corporations, due to revenues that are unallocated between the two.

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   Taxes on Individuals
QoG Code: ictd_taxind

Total income, capital gains and profit taxes on individuals. This figure is always exclusive of resource revenues in available sources.

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   Indirect Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxindirect

Total indirect taxes, including resource revenues. Includes taxes on goods and services, taxes on international trade and other taxes. Indirect may exceed the sum of Taxes on Goods and Services, Taxes on International Trade and Transactions and Other Taxes due to unallocated revenue not classified in any of these categories.

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   Taxes (including social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_taxinsc

Total tax revenue, including social contributions.

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   Non-resource Tax (excluding social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_taxnresexsc

Total non-resource tax revenue, excluding social contributions. Calculated as 'Taxes excluding social contributions' minus 'resource taxes'. This is the variable recommended for econometric analysis, as it is most complete and consistent across countries.

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   Non-Resource Tax (including social contributions)
QoG Code: ictd_taxnresinsc

Total non-resource tax revenue, including social contributions. Calculated as ``Taxes including social contributions'' minus ``resource taxes''.

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   Other Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxother

Total other taxes. These refer to the taxes that have not been considered by other specific categories in the dataset.

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   Taxes on Payroll and Workforce
QoG Code: ictd_taxpaywf

Total taxes on payroll and workforce. This variable is entirely distinct from social contributions, though in underlying sources, social contributions are very occasionally reported as payroll taxes.

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   Taxes on Property
QoG Code: ictd_taxprop

Total taxes on property.

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   Resource Taxes
QoG Code: ictd_taxres

Component of reported tax revenue that is from natural resource sources, most often corporate taxation of resource firms.

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   Taxes on International Trade and Transactions
QoG Code: ictd_taxtrade

Total taxes on international trade, including both import and export taxes. In some cases this figure may also include VAT collected at the border, where countries consistently report revenue in this way.

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